7 Questions Single Parents Have About Life Insurance - LowQuotes

7 Questions Single Parents Have About Life Insurance

Table of Contents Parenting on your own comes with its own set of responsibilities, and managing finances is often one of the biggest challenges.  Life insurance, an important part of financial planning, can feel especially overwhelming. Many single parents have specific worries and lots of questions about this important protection. Whether you’re wondering about the …

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6 “What ifs” that everybody should think about - LowQuotes

6 “What ifs” that everybody should think about

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could foresee the future and take action before things occur? If we had a heads-up about what’s coming next, we could get ready for potential risks or take advantage of positive outcomes. Unfortunately, time machines are still science fiction, and we must be prepared for challenging situations that may …

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Faye's Fight: Brave Battle Against Rare Cancer

Faye’s Fight: Brave Battle Against Rare Cancer

Although it’s a different topic than what we often discuss here, this difficult and moving story needs to be told to the world. Faye O’Neill, who is 15 years old, is the twin sister of Aimee, who sadly passed away in July 2022 after a lifelong struggle with Cerebral Palsy-related illnesses. Two months after her …

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Understanding the Power of Income Protection Insurance - LowQuotes

Understanding the Power of Income Protection Insurance

We often prioritise insurances such as health insurance, car insurance, or home insurance, many people overlook one essential aspect of their financial security: income protection insurance. Income Protection is an insurance policy that works to provide you with a replacement source of income if you can’t work due to an illness, injury, or disability for …

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Pension Tracing in Ireland: Discover Hidden Wealth - LowQuotes

Pension Tracing in Ireland: Discover Hidden Wealth 

Whether you have worked for different employers throughout your career or moved around between professions, you might have more than one pension. Keeping track of all your pensions is essential to ensure a stable and well-funded retirement; in other words, tracing your pensions might help you to retire with more money. Pensions are a fundamental …

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We would like to assure our customers that although this Worldwide Pandemic has struck our Nation hard, we are still here for our new and existing customers. All phone calls and emails will be dealt with accordingly.

In the unfortunate circumstance that a customer contracts COVID-19 and dies, our life policies would pay out in line with our usual claims philosophy.

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