7 Questions Single Parents Have About Life Insurance

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Parenting on your own comes with its own set of responsibilities, and managing finances is often one of the biggest challenges. 

Life insurance, an important part of financial planning, can feel especially overwhelming. Many single parents have specific worries and lots of questions about this important protection.

Whether you’re wondering about the right amount of coverage, the type of policy that best suits your needs, or how life insurance can benefit your children, we’re here to provide clear, understandable answers.

Why is it important for single parents to have life insurance?

As a single parent, having life insurance is crucial because it provides financial security and peace of mind for both you and your children in the event of your premature death. 

Here are the primary reasons why life insurance is essential for single parents:

Financial Support for Your Children: If you are the sole provider, life insurance can replace your income after you’re gone, ensuring that your children’s daily needs—such as food, clothing, and housing—are met.

Coverage for Future Expenses: Life insurance can help cover significant future expenses, such as your children’s education costs, from primary school through university. This can relieve your children from the burden of student loans or other educational expenses.

Debt Repayment: If you have any debts, including a mortgage, personal loans, or credit cards, life insurance can help ensure that these are not passed on to your family. It provides a lump sum that can be used to settle outstanding debts, alleviating potential financial strain on your children.

Childcare Costs: If you currently manage childcare by yourself, your absence could mean the need for additional childcare support. Life insurance can cover the costs of necessary childcare services, helping to maintain your children’s routine and stability.

Estate Management: Life insurance can help cover the costs associated with settling your estate, such as legal fees and other related expenses. This can streamline the administrative processes and relieve your family from these financial responsibilities during a difficult time.

Legacy Building: Through life insurance, you can leave behind a financial legacy for your children, which can help secure their future and provide for any special needs they may have or financial aspirations, such as starting a business.

Peace of Mind: Knowing that your children will be financially secure in your absence can provide immense peace of mind. Life insurance ensures that, even in the worst-case scenario, your children will be taken care of financially.

What amount of life insurance is appropriate for a single parent?

The first step in determining how much life insurance you need as a single parent involves taking a close look at your lifestyle, financial obligations, and your children’s future needs for care and education. 

Consider all the aspects life insurance can cover, which we outlined earlier, and factor in any unique or specific financial needs your family may have.

To get a clearer idea of your insurance needs, you might find it helpful to use a life insurance calculator. By answering a few key questions, this tool can give you an estimate of the amount of money needed to support your family in your absence.

Lastly, it’s a good idea to consult with one of our financial advisors at LowQuotes. We can assist you in finding the most suitable policy and the best price to fit your specific needs.

Alternatively, you can read our article to learn how to calculate the amount of life insurance coverage you need.

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What type of life insurance is best for a single parent?

The most common types of life insurance policies include:

Term Life Insurance 

Term life insurance offers protection for a predetermined amount of time, like 10, 20, or 30 years. It is meant to provide financial stability during critical times, such as when your kids are small and financially dependent on you.

For the same coverage amount, term life insurance premiums are typically less expensive than whole of life insurance, which is especially helpful for single parents who are trying to manage their money.

Once you add the conversion option to your policy, this type of policy can be converted to a permanent policy in the future without requiring further health information.

Whole of Life Insurance

Whole of life insurance guarantees that your children will receive a payout regardless of when you pass away because it protects you for the duration of your life as long as premiums are paid.

This insurance may initially appear expensive, but inflation might make it comparatively inexpensive over time.

When deciding between these types of policies, consider both your immediate financial capability and your long-term financial protection needs. 

It’s often beneficial to consult with one of our financial advisors at LowQuotes to help navigate these choices and determine the best fit for your family’s future.

What does life insurance cost in Ireland?

The cost of life insurance varies based on several factors, including your age, lifestyle, and the amount of coverage you choose. 

By allocating a small portion of your income to life insurance, you can establish a financial safety net to provide for your family in the event of an untimely death.

We offer a straightforward Life Insurance Quote System that allows you to compare different life insurance providers and estimate your premium costs based on personal factors like age and policy term.

Example of Term Life insurance Cost 

Cover Amount: €250,000

Term: 25 years

Applicant: Non-smoker

Age: 30 years old

April 2024


Life Insurance Premium

Zurich Life

€13.72 per month

Royal London

€15.15 per month


€17.25 per month

New Ireland

€18.80 per month


This is for informational purposes only. The premiums will vary depending on factors such as age, health, amount of cover, and more. Talk to one of our financial advisors or get a quote to compare various providers.

Compare all providers and get covered in under 10 minutes!

father teaching son to ride a bike

Does life insurance offer any benefits while I’m still alive?

When your term life insurance policy expires, you stop making payments, and your coverage ceases. 

While the primary function of life insurance is to secure your family’s financial stability in case of your untimely death, it’s natural to wonder if there are benefits available to you while you’re still alive

Fortunately, life insurance can offer several living benefits, providing value beyond the traditional death payout, especially after years of paying premiums.

Terminal Illness Benefit

If you are diagnosed with a severe illness and given a life expectancy of 12 months or less, you may be eligible to receive a portion of your policy’s death benefit in advance.

Children’s Life Cover and Specified Illness Cover

This coverage offers a payout of up to €7,000 if an insured child passes away. It is applicable until the child turns 18 or up to 25 if the child remains in full-time education. 

Additionally, children up to age 25 are eligible for up to €25,000 or half of your specified illness coverage amount, whichever is lower, for the duration of your policy.

It’s important to note that the availability and specifics of these benefits can vary widely between different insurance providers.

Hospital Cash Benefit

This benefit provides a daily cash allowance for each day you are hospitalised. It is designed to help cover incidental out-of-pocket expenses such as meals, transportation, and parking fees, which are often not covered by private health insurance.

Guaranteed Insurability Option

A policyholder can increase their coverage without needing to provide evidence of their current health status, but this option is only available under certain conditions and must be exercised soon after a qualifying event. 

Qualifying events include the birth or adoption of a child, marriage, obtaining a new mortgage or remortgaging, or a significant salary increase.

Providers typically require action within 60 days to six months following the event. 

Conversion Option

The conversion option enables you to convert your expiring term life insurance into a new policy, extending coverage without requiring a medical exam or proof of good health. 

This offers a seamless way to continue insurance protection.

Learn more by reading our article: Is convertible term life insurance worth it?

Medical Second Opinion

Aviva provides a complimentary service called Best Doctors Second Medical Opinion

This benefit gives Aviva policyholders the opportunity to obtain expert medical advice and second opinions from an extensive network of top-tier medical professionals and specialists.

Aviva Care

Aviva Care is a health and well-being service provided by Aviva. Aviva Care comes with all-new protection policies, and it’s free of charge.

When you take out Life Insurance, Serious Illness cover, Mortgage protection, or Income Protection with Aviva, you become eligible to access four great benefits for no extra cost: Digital GP, Best Doctors Second Medical Opinion, Family Care Mental Health Support and Bereavement Support.

Learn more by reading our article, The Revolutionary Approach Of Aviva Care: Free Health & Wellbeing Support, for more information.

Personal Support

Royal London offers a free service called Helping Hand, which provides one-to-one personal support from a dedicated nurse from RedArc. 

This service is designed to help policyholders and their families cope with the impacts of illness or bereavement. 

Helping Hand also includes access to specialist therapies to aid in recovery, such as bereavement counseling, speech and language therapy, second medical opinions, complementary therapies, physiotherapy, and other treatments based on the nurse’s assessment.

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Do life insurance policies provide coverage for serious illnesses?

You can add serious illness cover to your life insurance policy, either as accelerated serious illness, where the benefit is part of your overall life insurance or as a separate, standalone policy. 

You can explore our serious illness guide to understand the differences between these types of policies.

Additionally, our financial advisors are available to help you determine which type of coverage best suits your unique situation. They can guide you through the options and explain which may be more beneficial for you.

Are there other types of insurance that are essential for me as a single parent?

Yes, besides life insurance, there are several other types of insurance that can be crucial for single parents to consider, ensuring additional security and support for your family:

Health Insurance: This insurance provides coverage for medical expenses, reducing the financial burden of healthcare costs for you and your children. Learn why health insurance is a must-have in Ireland.

Income Protection: Income Protection pays a portion of your income if you’re unable to work due to illness or injury, helping to maintain your household’s financial stability. Learn more by reading our Income Protection Guide.

Serious Illness Cover: This policy provides a lump sum payment if you are diagnosed with a specific serious illness, helping cover out-of-pocket medical costs and lost income. Learn more by exploring our Serious Illness Cover Guide.

Get a Life Insurance quote with LowQuotes

If you’re a single parent looking to secure your family’s financial future, getting a life insurance quote with LowQuotes is a great first step. 

We understand the unique challenges that single parents face, and our tailored policies are designed to offer you peace of mind, knowing your children will be taken care of, no matter what happens. 

With LowQuotes, you can easily compare different life insurance options to find a plan that fits your budget and meets your specific needs. Start today and take a significant step towards protecting your family’s future.

Additionally, you can read our article, 6 “What Ifs” That Everybody Should Think About, and What is life insurance? if you have more doubts about life insurance.

We also provide a wide variety of financial services, such as mortgages, serious illness cover, income protection, pensions, financial planning, health insurance, and savings & investments.

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